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Stores In Blumenau CENTRO Brazil

Here you will find in the city of Blumenau, wholesale, retail and all kinds of trade in several areas. The important thing here is to do business!
Palmeira Cacau
PALMEIRA CACAU is a pioneered in innovations for candys store and products to customers in the business of ice cream, confectioners, hand made chocolate or cupcakes producers. We also offer online courses, fabrications of sweets, chocolates, cupcakes, homemade or artistic. With ample space and located in the heart of Blumenau.
Palmeira Cacau
PALMEIRA CACAU is a pioneered in innovations for candys store and products to customers in the business of ice cream, confectioners, hand made chocolate or cupcakes producers. We also offer online courses, fabrications of sweets, chocolates, cupcakes, homemade or artistic. With ample space and located in the heart of Blumenau.